Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Latest Penguin Update

In April, we wrote a blog discussing Google’s forthcoming Penguin update, and a couple of weeks ago their algorithm changed and altered how search results are now ranked, indexed & filtered. Google’s main aim has always been to provide a quality user experience and gain long term loyalty by providing the best and most relevant search results, and so far they have had phenomenal success in doing so. Therefore, the recent update has intended to further fulfil their aim. In this instance, there has been a major emphasis placed on having a user friendly and well designed website. In a video posted by Matt Cutts, he asks for us to ‘think of the user experience’ and consider ‘what makes it compelling, what makes it interesting and what makes it fun!’.

Never before have Google focused so heavily on on site content, so here at Click Submit, our exclusive on site analyser has proved a vital tool that offers advice on how to optimize your website and make it both user, and search engine friendly. We will also analyse your descriptions, page title, robot txt file, URL relevance, image ALT tags, meta tags, body content, and create a report summarizing our findings, which will be downloadable from your control panel within 24 hours of sign up. These reports are refreshed every three months and prove very useful for our existing clients.

Also in the video, Cutts explains that social media is an important focal point for SEO, and the need to have presence through sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, is increasingly crucial. Our unique Like To Follow strategy, which is free with our core SEO package, is a simple system that allows you to benefit from high quality likes on Facebook and follows on Twitter. Thus helping you appear more popular and relevant to the search engines.

Cutt’s also highlights that many SEO companies spend too much of their time building backlinks. A common question from an SEO client is always, ‘how can I build more backlinks’ and it’s important to clarify that although backlinks are an essential part of SEO, it is only one important factor among a multitude of others. As touched upon in our previous blog on backlinks, we build ours at a steady pace, and ensure that each link is categorised and therefore, specific to your business/ industry.

Our balance between building backlinks at a steady pace, working with social media, and making sure that our clients know exactly how to develop their websites properly, has worked very successfully. With over 2,500 clients, 5 stars on Google, and a ton of raving reviews on independant site such as trustpilot, we’re confident that our strategy works. Whilst ever we continue to assist Google, we will maintain a bunch of happy clients. If you’re reading this, and you’re not one, you really ought to be!!