Continuous investment in ingenuity drives our business, which is why once again in reaction to the way the market is moving we have launched yet another market breakthrough product.
We've been working incredibly hard over the last few months in reaction to the last batch of updates by Google. It allows all of our existing and potential new clients to beneft from a link strategy that will work now and most crucially future proof against any updates Google may decide to make over the months and years ahead. It's called link exposure.
Link exposure, previously known as link building, is generally considered the most important on-going part of an SEO campaign. Your ranking across all the major search engines is based on the number of other websites that link back to your site. These are called backlinks, and the more backlinks your site has, the higher it will be ranked. Link exposure is 100% white hat because our partner webmasters will only place a back link if they feel a site has relevance, and crucially they’re not obligated to place any link. This combined with the frequency that we aim for of between 100 and 300 back links every 3 months, means you have no chance of being penalized by any search engine now or in the future.
For more information why not check out our
knowledge base article about link exposure.