We’re always trying to predict what the search engines and social networks are going to do next in order for our 3,000+ clients to stay ahead of the game. Here are our tips for 2014.
1. More emphasis on social signals. The curve started in 2013 and we feel that social signals are going to become progressively important during 2014. At the moment, the more likes / follows you have the better. What we’re starting to see are the quality of your likes / follows making a difference. A little bit like the evolution of back link quality we are now seeing this with like and follow quality.
2. Facebook’s slide? There are some early signs that Facebook maybe on the slide. Their user base under the age of 18 is declining. Maybe 2014 will be a year for a new social network to shine.
3. On-site content. Quality not quantity. Our feeling is that press releases are a waste of time unless you are press releasing for the right reason. If you really do have some news then a press release is great but the days of press releasing in order to build relevant backlinks are over. These are not being taken in to account as much by the search engines.
4. Conversational backlinks. The search engines what to rank sites higher that people are talking about. Therefore, links that are embedded in to forum / blog conversation are being treated as high quality and we’re seeing really good results when links are built in this way. It’s also very organic as long as the link is relevant to the conversation. This is now our rapid backlinks are built.
5. Discount based search engines. It may sound like a plug for connect but we do feel that discount based search engines, where the ranking is based on the level of discount and loyalty that a user shows to the community, will start to take off more in 2014. Why wouldn’t you search where you get the best deal first?
So, there our tips for 2014! Let’s see if we’re right.
From all the team at Click Submit, have a fantastic new year's eve and a profitable 2014!
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