1. Branded reports. We brand all reports with your company name. All you have to do is give us the domain name and search terms. We do the rest. All that’s left to you is pass the report on to your client. You can download your reports as a PDF or HTML. Meaning you are able to edit / add to your reports if you wish too before you send them over to your client.
2. Reseller control panel. You control all of your SEO campaigns within one log in. You can search for campaigns, download all reports, add optional products and set up white label control panel access.
3. White label control panel. We give you the option of giving your clients access to a white label control panel. You just send your clients to the URL www.seo-control-panel.com with the log in details that you set within your reseller control panel
4. Discount off our already market low price. Because of our huge investment in streamlining the process of SEO we have been able to lower the cost of proving a high quality SEO. We charge just £49.99 per quarter, per SEO campaign, and the best bit? You get a further 30% recurring discount off each SEO campaign. That makes it just £34.99 per quarter, per SEO campaign as a reseller. This allows you to make a really good margin while still offing your clients a good value product.
Our top white label reseller has added over £20,000 of additional revenue per quarter without adding any new skill base or risk to their business. Why not be the next?
For more information see our white label reseller package page.
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