A question we get asked a lot is; how long will it take to get to page one on Google? This is a very difficult question to answer because it’s very specific to the site and how competitive the search term is. Generally we’re able to predict how long it will take based on the number of words and how geographical the search term is but it’s still very hard to be 100% accurate.
May factors make the difference between sites that succeed with their SEO and those that don’t but here are the most common factors in a sites ultimate success.
1. Making the on-site changes. It’s critical that after you’ve signed up you make the recommended on-site changes. These are located both within your report and via the SEO analyser. You need to achieve a relevance rating of over 75 out of 100. The sooner these changes are made, the sooner the search engines will appreciate your relevance for your chosen search terms.
2. Allow the backlinks to get indexed. It can take between 3 and 9 months for the back links that we build to show up on any checker. The way in which we request your back links and then our partner webmasters place them is totally white hat, but can take a little bit of time to take effect.
3. Social awareness. The search engines are focusing more on social signals and in particular how many likes and follows you have. They’re also looking at the quality of the likes and follows you have. Our like to follow system will help you achieve this and is totally unique in the market.
4. Patience. This is the most key element. The work we do takes time to have an impact. Generally the Google results are based on who sticks out their strategy the longest. Don’t get us wrong, we do get clients all the time that see good results after just a few weeks but on average it takes between 3 and 9 months to see noticeable impact. The reason for this is just down to how competitive your search term is. Good results are always achievable but it can just take a bit of time for certain search terms.
Our quarterly service is built around these and lots of other more technical elements that we see becoming more important to rankings. We’re constantly investing in new products that you can benefit from at no additional cost in order to take advantage of these factors.
We hope you found this article interesting and if you have any questions relating to our services feel free to get in touch.
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